5th Grade Language Selection
World Language Choice for 5th Graders
5th grade students in Glastonbury have the opportunity to decide which language they wish to study throughout middle school (grades 6-8) during the spring of their 5th grade year. There are three options for Grade 5 students currently studying Spanish in Glastonbury:
-Students may continue their study of Spanish.
-Students may switch to French.
-Students may ADD Chinese to their study of Spanish.
Students who are new to Glastonbury in 6th grade will study French, as it is a beginning course. Students from GEHMS (Glastonbury-East Hartford Elementary Magnet School) can continue to study Chinese and may add the study of French.
A Letter from the Director...
For detailed information about language choices for students entering 6th grade at Gideon Welles School, click the link to the letter from the Director of World Languages/ML, Amanda Robustelli-Price, on the left. This letter to parents explains the world language choices available to students in 6th grade. Additionally you will find information about important dates regarding this year's registration and scheduling.
For more information about language choices for students in 6th grade, contact your child's current world language teacher, or Director of World Languages/ML, Amanda Robustelli-Price, via email, or phone (860) 652-7954.
Language Options for 6th Graders at Gideon Welles School
For more information about any of our 6th grade language choices, click on the buttons below for more specifics. Each site includes a video and a digital brochure with information about the language program. Summer language options for each language are also linked on each of the pages below.