Glastonbury Public Schools World Language

Russian Exchange

About the Russian/Estonian Exchange

Our Russian Exchange program has been in place since 1988. Glastonbury High School was one of the first 25 schools in the country to have an exchange with Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Students apply to be part of the program, hosting during one academic year, and traveling the next. Our partner school is Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium, in Tallinn, Estonia. While on the exchange, students live with a host family (usually the family of the student they have hosted). They attend school, tour the wonderful sites of the city, and attend cultural programs such as the ballet and the circus. 


Applicants must be enrolled in Russian 3 or higher when they apply and must commit to hosting in the fall of 2023.

Current Status

We hope to resume our Russian/Estonian Exchange in the near future.  Check back for updates.

Application Process 

Completed applications should be submitted to Dr. Gotta in the World Language workroom. Please read all of the following documents carefully, and complete all parts of the application.  There are four parts of the application, and all parts must be completed by the deadline for applications to be considered.


First, please read this parent letter before completing the application

Next complete the application. Parts can be done in any order, though we suggest doing the "Student Checklist and Guardian Acknowledgement" last.