Glastonbury Public Schools World Language
About Us
About our World Language Department
We in Glastonbury are fortunate to be able to provide a long sequence of language study. In this sequence not only do students develop superior listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, but they also develop an international perspective so necessary for cultural and economic productivity in the twenty-first century.
Recently, much national attention has been given to the study of world languages. Educators, politicians and business people have called for increased language study in the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary programs. No longer is language study being viewed as a pursuit for the academically gifted, but as a necessity for all Americans. The President's Commission on Foreign Language and International Studies has called America's linguistic incompetence "scandalous". The National Commission on Excellence in Education has said that our nation is at risk educationally and has encouraged the introduction of world language study in elementary schools. The College Board has insisted that world language study be a basic academic requirement.
All of this national attention comes at a time when international events fill our newspapers and television broadcasts. The future of our children and our students rests on the ability to solve world wide problems. Cultural sensitivity and linguistic competence open the doors to communication and to problem solving.
We should be proud that we in Glastonbury have made a commitment to the study of world language and we should encourage all students to partake of this opportunity.
Please explore the links under "About Us" above to learn more about our Glastonbury Public Schools World Language Program.