Glastonbury Public Schools World Language
Language Offerings
Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
In the Glastonbury Public School System we believe that all students must have the opportunity to establish the foundations of second language acquisition at any early age. This goal can best be reached with an extended, sequential program beginning early in elementary school. Starting in first grade, all Glastonbury Public School students begin studying Spanish in two twenty-five minute classes a week. In second grade students increase their study of Spanish with twenty-five minute classes three days a week and continue learning Spanish through fifth grade.
In sixth grade, students have the option to continue their study of Spanish, add Chinese or switch to French. In seventh grade, students have the option to add Chinese or Russian to their study of French or Spanish.
Students continue their language of choice until high school when they have the opportunity to continue studying the same language, add a additional language, or switch to a new language.
Languages currently offered in the GPS World Language Department include Ancient Greek, Chinese, French, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. More information about the sequence of languages offered can be found on our World Language Sequences page.