Glastonbury Public Schools World Language

Grades 10-12 Placement/Leveling

In Glastonbury, we are noted for our long sequence of language study. We encourage students who have begun languages in the elementary and/or middle grades to continue their language studies into high school. 

The Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy honors students' academic efforts and the advantages of being bilingual and biliterate. The world language courses help students achieve the proficiency needed to earn this distinction. We encourage students to develop and/or maintain literacy in all of their languages.

Post-Secondary World Language Requirements

Students and their families should talk to school counselors and contact college admissions offices for specific language requirements. 

Placement Decisions:  Teachers and counselors recommend placement based on past performance in world language courses, proficiency assessments, individual progress towards course targets, student goals, and performance in English courses (for students adding a sequence). Many students succeed in learning multiple languages and levels may change each year.

Student Self-Assessment: Students are encouraged to complete this self-assessment to help with their placement decisions.

Level 2 Courses, Grades 10-12

(French, Ancient Greek, Latin, and/or Spanish)

In all classes, students are actively engaged in working to use language for communication objectives.  Level 2 is a rigorous academic level of study. Level 1 is above and beyond the expected norm for the course.

Level 1 

(Ancient Greek, Chinese, French, Greek, Latin, Spanish, and/or Russian)

Level 1 placement is recommended when the student:

*Only applies to course selection when continuing a prior language sequence.

Level 2 "Roman Numeral" Courses (French & Spanish)

Our "Roman Numeral" level 2 courses are generally for students new to the language sequence or without prior study in elementary or middle school. Ideal when the student:

(French and Spanish I)


(French and Spanish II, III, IV, and V)