Glastonbury Public Schools World Language

FAQs about Placement/Levels

1. Which students should study a world language in Glastonbury?

All students.

2. What are the characteristics of a successful language learner?

The most important characteristic of a successful language learner is that the student possesses a desire to learn the language, embraces all aspects of that language, and is willing to take risks.

3. Do students have to take a world language?

Taking a world language at Glastonbury High School is a graduation requirement for the Classes of 2023 and beyond.  World language courses allow all students the opportunity to meet the Glastonbury High School Learning Expectations. Ninety-five percent of students do take at least one world language at GHS. World Language is required grades 1-8. 

4. Should students take a language? Why? What are the college entrance requirements?

Yes, students should take a language in order to increase cultural awareness and improve their ability to communicate with more people in a global society. Most colleges require a minimum of two years of high school study of the same world language, and three years are strongly recommended. Students and their families should talk to school counselors and contact college admissions offices for specific language requirements. 

5. Which students should study Chinese, Ancient Greek or Russian?

Students who have a strong desire to learn these particular languages. There are no special skills to learn these languages, and students who are highly interested in these languages are encouraged to study them.

6. Can a student take two world languages at Gideon Welles School? Smith Middle School? At Glastonbury High School?

Yes, at all three schools. We love to see students take advantage of the language opportunities our schools have to offer.

7. Which language is easier?

In Glastonbury Public Schools, the study of a Romance Language such as Spanish in grades 1-12 or French in grades 6-12 helps students build a strong foundation for language learning. A second or world language comes more easily as a result of studying the first world language. Language layering optimizes a student’s potential for performance in other scholastic areas.

8. Is it better to take two years of one language and then switch to another?

This would depend on the student and their situation in the language. One may want to keep in mind college requirements; most colleges like to see two or more consecutive years of study of the same language.

9. What can I do, as a parent, to help my child be a successful language learner?

10. What is the Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy?

The Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy recognizes the value of students’ academic efforts, the tangible benefits of being bilingual and biliterate and prepares students to thrive in a multicultural, multilingual world. The world language department’s course offerings help students to reach the necessary proficiency level in order to meet the requirements to earn this distinction on their high school diploma upon graduation.

11. How can I obtain more information about the program?

Contact Amanda Robustelli-Price, Director of WL / ML, at or (860) 652-7954.